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Your Search Results

  • A Guide on Instructional Design Theories and Design Application

    A Guide on Instructional Design Theories and Design Application

    SGD $500.00

    Course Description

    Instructional design, or instructional systems design (ISD), is the practice of creating "instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing." The process consists broadly of determining the state and needs of the learner, defining the end goal of instruction, and creating some "intervention" to assist in the transition. Ideally, the process is informed by pedagogically (process of teaching) and andragogically (adult learning) tested theories of learning and may take place in student-only, teacher-led or community-based settings. The outcome of this instruction may be directly observable and scientifically measured or completely hidden and assumed. There are many instructional design models but many are based on the ADDIE model with the five phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. As a field, instructional design is historically and traditionally rooted in cognitive and behavioral psychology, though recently constructivism has influenced thinking in the field.Know the fundamentals of Instructional Design and produce quality educational content.- Know Key Instructional Design Models- Understand what are Adult Learning Principles- Understand the Overview of Learning Theories- The importance of Training Needs Analysis- Introduction to ID Fundamentals- What are the Cognitive Approaches- Determining the Right Audio Strategy- Writing Effective Storyboards and Objectives- Content Types and Their Visualization Approaches- Creating Effective Assessments- Guide to Editing - mLearning Essentials and Strategies


  • Mastering Digital Design - Learning Unreal Engine 4 for Game Design and Development

    Mastering Digital Design - Learning Unreal Engine 4 for Game Design and Development

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

    Unreal Engine 4 is among the most popular game engines in the market. This course will prepare you for an Intro-to-Intermediate level of understanding, to have you ready and capable to build and play your own levels in no time. Introduction to Unreal Engine 4 will go over many helpful tools to know during your time in the Unreal Engine. In this course, we will be covering how to setup the blueprints for creating a dynamic controllable vehicle in UE4. Materials in Unreal Engine 4 will give you a thorough understanding of creating materials inside of the UE4 engine. With topics such as the UE4 Material interface where we will look into the interface and Material types where we will look at the types of materials you can create using the engine.  Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design. - Know about the different branches in animation - Learn about what goes into making a successful animation - Understand better about the designing process with this course - Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course


  • HTML5 & CSS3: A Site Design Bundle

    HTML5 & CSS3: A Site Design Bundle

    SGD $99.00

    Course Description

    Ever wanted to learn how to build a website, or to brush up on your coding skills to enhance an existing site? This course will show you, in a step-by-step process, how to set up a web site from scratch and tips and tricks of the trade to change your site into one that is more attractive and user-friendly. From what tools you need, to building your site, creating and formatting pages, to what to test and look for before your site goes live, award-winning trainer Geoff Blake gives detailed and valuable information that will help you to master both HTML and CSS coding skills. Geoff’s casual tone, real world examples, and the follow-along video make this course as entertaining as it is informative.Up your web design game and flaunt your newly crafted page in the World Wide Web! - Learn about the purpose of HTML5 and CSS3 - Know how to apply HTML5 and CSS3 skills into your site - Understand the step process when designing your site- Know how HTML and CSS supports a site development 


  • 1st Step to Game Design with Blender and Unity 3D

    1st Step to Game Design with Blender and Unity 3D

    SGD $79.00

    Course Description

    Unity is a cross platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies used to develop video games for PC, consoles, mobile devices and websites. It is the default software development kit (SDK) for the Wii U. The Blender Game Engine is a component of Blender, a free and open-source comprehensive 3D production suite, used for making real-time interactive content. The game engine was written from scratch in C++ as a mostly independent component, and includes support for features such as Python scripting and OpenAL 3D sound. Design fun game levels with Blender 3D modeling and the Unity game engine.Unleash your potential in your game design and share it for others to see.- Know what goes into creating a game from scratch - Learn about Unity and Blender to create your own games- Use this tools and know how to add in your own twist to your designs- This course can be for anyone who is new to game development to an experienced developer




    SGD $79.00

    Course Description

    Graphic design has always been a popular profession, but with more and more technology being introduced into our lives it's becoming an ever more important one too. All kinds of people use all kinds of technology every day. Making that technology as user-friendly as possible is vital, and graphic design is one of the most important elements of this. The Ultimate Crash Course on Graphic Design - Master the most widely used software in graphic designing - Learn the principles of graphics design and visual communication - Gain an insight into the current graphic design industry - Understand how to forge a career path as a graphic designer


  • Web Design Skill Builder Workshop (FREE)

    Web Design Skill Builder Workshop (FREE)


    Course Description

    Get started in the world of web design with this easy to follow, hands on workshop! Presented by veteran software trainer Geoff Blake, you’ll be guided through the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and how the two work together. Then, you’ll be lead through a discussion outlining the web design tools of the trade. Finally, Geoff will walk you through a real-world web design workflow, where he integrates Photoshop and Dreamweaver together. Getting started in web design has never been easier, so enroll now and let’s get started!Get started on your Web Design journey right here and now with this FREE course!- Understand what web design is about- Learn from a master on how to get started easily- Take your first steps with a practical test- Design your own web design layout quickly


  • 1st Step to Introduction of Web Design

    1st Step to Introduction of Web Design

    SGD $79.00

    Course Description

    The Internet is everyone's go-to source of information in today's world. Businesses, public figures, publications and everything in between all have a presence on the web; and the more professional their website looks, the more successful they tend to be. Web designers are more in demand than ever before, and the profession is constantly changing along with the web itself. This course aims to teach the most up to date fundamentals of web design from scratch.Learn Web Design from Scratch- Understand the basics of CSS and HTML- Learn about current web designing trends and developments- Gain an insight into web development, debugging, etc. as well as design- Build your own portfolio website


  • Photoshop CC For Web Design Bundle

    Photoshop CC For Web Design Bundle

    SGD $35.00

    Course Description

    With so many file formats, colour spaces, and image types, knowing where to start with web graphics can be daunting. But guided by this thorough, yet easy to follow course, you’ll be feeling like a pro in no time! Join award-winning trainer Geoff Blake as he takes you step-by-step through the process of preparing images for your next web project. You’ll learn all about the web friendly file formats, when to use each, and how to get the most out of them. Discover web colour spaces, methods for working faster and more efficiently, and an approach to image resolution that’ll leave you feeling like a Zen Master of web graphics! Break down the barriers, dispel the myths, and clear the clutter. In just a few short hours, you’ll have clarity and confidence using Photoshop for your web projects! Give your page that extra zest with Photoshop! - Learn how Photoshop can give that extra touch to your website  - Learn the step-by-step process of designing your website  - Know what and how to prep for your web design  - Learn and understand the considerations of web design 


  • Mastering Digital Design - Introduction to 3d Modelling for Games

    Mastering Digital Design - Introduction to 3d Modelling for Games

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

    Learn the basics of 3d Modelling through practical application and the learning of several popular, modern 3d software packages used by game artists today. Get up to speed on the Maya basics while learning some of the tools associated with the asset modelling pipeline. For starters, you will learn about the interface, how to navigate it, the power behind customization in Maya, as well as touch on the some of the initial method of creating geometrical shapes. Moving on, learn how to get up and running in Blender for creating animated in-game models even if you're a complete newbie! While near the end of the course, you'll start to feel like a game art pro as you begin to learn and understand the concepts of UV unwrapping, asset rigging for animation, animation creation, mesh exporting, and game integration.  Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design. - Know about the different branches in animation - Learn about what goes into making a successful animation - Understand better about the designing process with this course - Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course


  • Mastering Digital Design - Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox (Part 1)

    Mastering Digital Design - Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox (Part 1)

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

    In this complete beginner's series, Galen Davis covers a basic introduction to sculpting for games using Pixologic's ZBrush. In this beginners tutorial we start by showing you how to create modular geometry in 3ds Max, export it to ZBrush, then quickly get you up to speed on using ZBrush for the first time with basic controls and concepts before diving into sculpting the floor stones and baking multiple texture maps. We cover planning your high poly, refining small details using ZSpheres and Dynamesh, and cover the low poly modeling process using Modo. You will learn about various tools and workflow aspects of ZBrush and work your way through the sculpting process and become more familiar with the ZBrush interface and the use of its more powerful features.  Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design. - Know about the different branches in animation - Learn about what goes into making a successful animation - Understand better about the designing process with this course - Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course


  • Mastering Digital Design - Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox (Part 2)

    Mastering Digital Design - Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox (Part 2)

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

    In the second part of Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox, instructor Stephen Wells will be walking through the process of finishing his Next Gen Orc character while showing you tons of new tools, tips, and workflow methods used within ZBrush. In this course we jump into the worlds of ZBrush dynamesh sculpting and H.P. Lovecraft at the same time! We then expand our repertoire in creating more detail sculpting by using a variety of brushes, alphas, layers and some finesse to get a final fantastic sculpt of one of Lovecraft's faves: Cthulhu! For this course, we explore Dynamesh sculpting in ZBrush and we're continuing our cosmic entity series by working on Tsathoggua, one of the Old Gods and rival of Cthulhu. Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design. - Know about the different branches in animation - Learn about what goes into making a successful animation - Understand better about the designing process with this course - Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course


  • Mastering Digital Design - Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox (Part 3)

    Mastering Digital Design - Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox (Part 3)

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

    In the final part of Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox, Emiel Sleegers is going to be covering how to sculpt and build a catacomb environment using Maya and ZBrush. From there he will be covering topics such dynamesh, additional damage sculpting, insert mesh, and more. In this series, we jump into creating textures in ZBrush using polypainting and Fibermesh in ZBrush. We'll use Fibermesh to create hair element individually and then we'll use the groom brushes to add more natural variations to the fibres or hairs we create. Finally, we'll use polypainting to colour or tint the hair to something more naturalistic and complimentary to the character. A final render to see how it all turns out and then looking at the render pass in Photoshop will complete our whirlwind introduction to Fibermesh! Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design. - Know about the different branches in animation - Learn about what goes into making a successful animation - Understand better about the designing process with this course - Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course


  • Mastering Digital Design  - Learn Modular World Building for Games

    Mastering Digital Design - Learn Modular World Building for Games

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

    Modular world building is among the most common techniques for today’s game level artists. In this course, instructor Alan Thorn takes you through the basics of Blender and Gimp while teaching asset creation pipeline, and follows up by teaching you how to import those assets into Unity while setting up a playable game environment. Moving on, Emiel Sleegers will be covering the full workflow of how to build a modular warehouse environment piece using both Maya and CryEngine. Hewill be teaching topics ranging from the initial planning phase and breakdown of a concept to determine the modular pieces needed, to the creation of set models and tileable textures, as well as the final stages of getting your models and textures into CryEngine, building the environment set, and creating lights for your final render.  Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design. - Know about the different branches in animation - Learn about what goes into making a successful animation - Understand better about the designing process with this course - Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course


  • Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 1)

    Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 1)

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

    This course will start with an introduction and teaches many of the advanced techniques talented artists use to create this style of 3d asset. We'll show you the creation process for low poly weapons with a strong emphasis on hand painted texture maps. We'll begin by modelling a sword in Maya 2011, show the unwrapping process, and take you step-by-step through creating hand-painted, stylized textures for both a sword and a shield asset. Following that, we'll dive into reviewing the concept art and blocking out some base shapes, and from there jump into the wonderful world of UV unwrapping. Next, we'll be taking a look at the different stone, metal, and wood surface types we'll be painting, discuss and decide where we can save some texture resolution by sharing UV space, and then get moving on bringing the texture and visual look and feel. Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design. - Know about the different branches in animation - Learn about what goes into making a successful animation - Understand better about the designing process with this course - Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course


  • Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 2)

    Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 2)

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

    In the second part of Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style, we will utilize a combination of Maya and Photoshop to take a concept for a stylized weapon and translate that into a fully realized low poly hand painted asset for use within a videogame environment. We'll also take a look at some of the process and techniques used to create the texture map, being sure to replicate the crafted look of the concept. Tools such as clipping masks, Variations and Dilation will be utilized to help keep our texture easy to maintain and looking neat for potential future revisions. Throughout the creation process we'll also touch upon how things relate to a production environment whilst also pointing out any areas which are likely to generate the need for some problem solving. At the end of this course you will be able to create and understand the workflow that I use to create stylized environments like this one.  Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design. - Know about the different branches in animation - Learn about what goes into making a successful animation - Understand better about the designing process with this course - Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course


  • Mastering Digital Design - Introduction and Techniques to the Unity Game Engine

    Mastering Digital Design - Introduction and Techniques to the Unity Game Engine

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

    In this course, instructor Alan Thorn explains everything you need to get started in Unity 5.  Through clear and concise examples, he will be exploring the basics of Unity in a practical context and will be covering topics ranging from user interface navigation and viewport controls all the way through some of the more in-depth features such as terrain creation, lighting, materials, particle effects, and animation to name a few. Alan Thorn takes us through some great tips and tricks you need to know when working with Unity! Meanwhile, Advanced Game Mechanics in Unity' helps users push their Unity knowledge to the next level. Again, Alan Thorn explores many powerful features in Unity 5, from debugging tools and version control, to 2D sprites and User Interfaces. See how to get started quickly at scripting useful behaviours and functionality for building solid games across many platforms, from endless-runners to shooters.  Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design. - Know about the different branches in animation - Learn about what goes into making a successful animation - Understand better about the designing process with this course - Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course