Mastering Digital Design - Learn Modular World Building for Games

  • Mastering Digital Design  - Learn Modular World Building for Games , Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design  - Learn Modular World Building for Games , Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design  - Learn Modular World Building for Games , Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design  - Learn Modular World Building for Games , Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design  - Learn Modular World Building for Games , Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design  - Learn Modular World Building for Games , Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Modular world building is among the most common techniques for today’s game level artists. In this course, instructor Alan Thorn takes you through the basics of Blender and Gimp while teaching asset creation pipeline, and follows up by teaching you how to import those assets into Unity while setting up a playable game environment. Moving on, Emiel Sleegers will be covering the full workflow of how to build a modular warehouse environment piece using both Maya and CryEngine. Hewill be teaching topics ranging from the initial planning phase and breakdown of a concept to determine the modular pieces needed, to the creation of set models and tileable textures, as well as the final stages of getting your models and textures into CryEngine, building the environment set, and creating lights for your final render.

Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design.

- Know about the different branches in animation
- Learn about what goes into making a successful animation
- Understand better about the designing process with this course
- Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course

Course Objectives

1. Know about the techniques modular world building
2. Understand the basics of Blender and Gimp
3. Be able to import assets into Unity
4. Know how to build modular environment with Maya and CryEngine
5. Understand the stages that goes into creating modular pieces
6. Know the final stages of finishing the models with lighting and rendering

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Modular Building with UDK

Preview Available


Chapter 1 - Modular Environment

Chapter 2 - Texturing with Grid

Chapter 3 - Mesh Construction

Chapter 4 - Building in UDK

Resource Files

Modular Asset Building - Volume 1

Preview Available


Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - The Modular Set

Chapter 4 - Blender Theme

Chapter 5 - Configuring the Layout

Chapter 6 - Establishing a Base Tile

Chapter 7 - Normals and Backface Culling

Chapter 8 - Building the Floor Module

Chapter 9 - Starting a Wall Sub-Module

Chapter 10 - Detailling the Wall

Chapter 11 - Tiling Walls

Chapter 12 - Adding Wall Variation

Chapter 13 - Dealing with NGons

Chapter 14 - Mirroring, Joining and Merging

Chapter 15 - Starting the Corner Module

Chapter 16 - Completing the Corner Module

Chapter 17 - Out Turns

Chapter 18 - Crate Prop

Chapter 3 - Blender Control Scheme

Resource Files

Modular Asset Building - Volume 2


Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Saving in Blender

Chapter 3 - UV Editor Basics

Chapter 4 - Seams and Unwrapping

Chapter 5 - Customizing the UV Editor

Chapter 6 - Moving Further with Seams

Chapter 7 - Unwrapping to an Atlas

Chapter 8 - UVs and Overlapping

Chapter 9 - Exporting UV Layouts

Chapter 10 - Ambient Occlusion

Chapter 11 - Getting Started with GIMP

Chapter 12 - Painting Wall Tiles

Chapter 13 - Value and Hue

Chapter 14 - Controlling Contrast with Curves

Chapter 15 - Previewing Textures in Blender

Chapter 16 - Mesh Separation

Resource Files

Modular Asset Building - Volume 3


Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Exporting via Blend Scenes

Chapter 3 - Exporting via FBX Files

Chapter 4 - Sharp Edges and Edge Split

Chapter 5 - UV Maps and Basic FBX Settings

Chapter 6 - Overriding Mesh Scale Factor

Chapter 7 - Coordinate Space Conversions

Chapter 8 - Converting Between Coordinate Spaces

Chapter 9 - Preparing for Final Export

Chapter 10 - Final Export

Chapter 11 - Modular Environments and Prefabs

Chapter 12 - More Prefabs

Chapter 13 - Building a Scene

Chapter 14 - Lighting a Scene

Chapter 15 - Lightmapping

Chapter 16 - First Person and Collisions

Chapter 17 - Adding Final Touches

Resource Files

Set Construction in CryEngine - Volume 1


Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Breaking Down the Concept

Chapter 3 - Modelling the Windows

Chapter 4 - Modelling the Beam

Chapter 5 - Modelling the Ceiling

Chapter 6 - Modelling the Wall

Chapter 7 - Creating the Brick and Concrete Textures

Chapter 8 - Creating the Rust and Metal Textures

Chapter 9 - Creating the Ceiling Texture

Chapter 10 - Creating the Decals

Chapter 11 - Unwrapping the Models

Resource Files

Set Construction in CryEngine - Volume 2


Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Exporting the Meshes

Chapter 3 - Exporting the Textures

Chapter 4 - Importing the Meshes

Chapter 5 - Setting Up the Modular Pieces

Resource Files

Set Construction in CryEngine - Volume 3


Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Scene Assembly

Chapter 3 - Placing Decals

Chapter 4 - Lighting the Set

Chapter 5 - Final Compositing

Resource Files
SGD $189.00
(Price excludes GST)
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