Photoshop CC For Web Design Bundle

Photoshop CC For Web Design Bundle, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

With so many file formats, colour spaces, and image types, knowing where to start with web graphics can be daunting. But guided by this thorough, yet easy to follow course, you’ll be feeling like a pro in no time! Join award-winning trainer Geoff Blake as he takes you step-by-step through the process of preparing images for your next web project. You’ll learn all about the web friendly file formats, when to use each, and how to get the most out of them. Discover web colour spaces, methods for working faster and more efficiently, and an approach to image resolution that’ll leave you feeling like a Zen Master of web graphics! Break down the barriers, dispel the myths, and clear the clutter. In just a few short hours, you’ll have clarity and confidence using Photoshop for your web projects!

Give your page that extra zest with Photoshop!

- Learn how Photoshop can give that extra touch to your website
- Learn the step-by-step process of designing your website
- Know what and how to prep for your web design
- Learn and understand the considerations of web design

Course Objectives

1. Understand the basics of Web Design 
2. Be able to navigate Photoshop for productivity
3. Know how to prep images for your web 
4. Know how to optimize the web even further  

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    SGD $79.00

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Getting Started with Photoshop CC for the web

Preview Available

Download Project File

Hello And Welcome

Understanding Raster And Vector

Setting Up Photoshop For The Web

Common Photoshop Productivity Techniques

Understanding Colour Spaces

Preparing Your Images For The Web

Preview Available


Understanding The Image Size Dialog Box

Why Resolution Doesn’t Matter On The Web

Techniques For Resizing Images

Web Graphics Roundup

Saving Images As A GIF

Saving A Transparent GIF

Saving Images As JPEGs

Saving Images As PNGs

Saving Images In The SVG Format

A Closer Look At Image Optimization


Touring Through The Save For Web Dialog Box

Optimizing Images As GIFs

Creating Animated GIFs

Optimizing Images As JPEGs

Saving As Both PNG- And PNG-

Creating Alpha Transparency With PNGs

A Final Note On Image Optimization

Preparing Images For Retina Displays

Saving An Optimization Preset

Creating A Droplet

Batch Processing A Large Number Of Images

Using Photoshop’s Image Processor Command

Photoshop Web Styling Techniques


Creating Web Buttons

Building A Website Header

Building A Navigation Menu

Using The Photoshop Asset Generator


Introducing The Asset Generator

Going Further With The Asset Generator

Final Notes When Using Generator

Wrapping Up


Where To Go From Here

Introduction: Building Websites with Photoshop CC


Here's What We'll Build

The Workflow Process

Setting Up Photoshop For Web Layout

Saving Our Photoshop Customizations

Download Project File

Hello And Welcome

Structuring Layouts With Photoshop


Introducing The 960 Grid System

Setting Up Our 960 Grid Template

Creating The First Wireframe Object

Continuing To Wireframe Objects

Additional Techniques For Wireframing

Finishing Up The Base Wireframe

Organizing The Layers & Resetting The Properties Panel

Roughing In The Header Content

Building Out The Hero Section

Wireframing The Introducing Section

Creating The Organize Section

Building The Get It Now Section

Finishing Up The Wireframe

Organizing & Colour Coding The Layers Panel

Adding Text Labels To The Wireframe

Exporting The Wireframe For Approval

Applying Design To The Wireframe


Gathering The Design's Resources, Part One

Gathering The Design's Resources, Part Two

Creating The Site Logo With An Illustrator Smart Object

Using Layer Styles To Format Buttons

Saving & Using A Custom Style

Finishing Up The Header

Using Linked Smart Objects

Using Layer Masks To Position Content

Finishing Up The Hero Section

Designing With Clipping Groups & Linked Smart Objects

Developing The Organize & Share Sections

Finishing Up The Layout's Design

Getting The Layout Out Of Photoshop & Into Code


Introducing Photoshop's Asset Generator

Going Further With The Asset Generator

Getting The Layout's Assets Organized

Generating HTML With Photoshop

Getting Set Up For The Coding Phase

Adjusting The External Style Sheet

Setting Up The Structural CSS

Rebuilding The Layout With Code


Rebuilding The Header & Copying CSS Directly From Photoshop

Creating The App Store Header Button

Getting Started On The Hero Section

Finishing Up The Hero Area

Creating The Introducing Section

Odd Behaviour With Photoshop's Copy CSS Command

Recreating The Organize And Share Sections

Building The Get & Footer

Wrapping Up The Project

Wrapping Up


Where To Go From Here

UTAP Funding Eligible
SGD $35.00
(Price excludes GST)
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