Mastering Digital Design - Learning Unreal Engine 4 for Game Design and Development

  • Mastering Digital Design - Learning Unreal Engine 4 for Game Design and Development, Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Learning Unreal Engine 4 for Game Design and Development, Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Learning Unreal Engine 4 for Game Design and Development, Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Learning Unreal Engine 4 for Game Design and Development, Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Learning Unreal Engine 4 for Game Design and Development, Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Learning Unreal Engine 4 for Game Design and Development, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Unreal Engine 4 is among the most popular game engines in the market. This course will prepare you for an Intro-to-Intermediate level of understanding, to have you ready and capable to build and play your own levels in no time. Introduction to Unreal Engine 4 will go over many helpful tools to know during your time in the Unreal Engine. In this course, we will be covering how to setup the blueprints for creating a dynamic controllable vehicle in UE4. Materials in Unreal Engine 4 will give you a thorough understanding of creating materials inside of the UE4 engine. With topics such as the UE4 Material interface where we will look into the interface and Material types where we will look at the types of materials you can create using the engine.

Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design.

- Know about the different branches in animation
- Learn about what goes into making a successful animation
- Understand better about the designing process with this course
- Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course

Course Objectives

1. Learn about Unreal Engine 4
2. Understand basic to expert levels in Unreal Engine 4
3. Be able to create and develop your own games
4. Know how to use the different tools in Unreal Engine 4
5. Know how to create materials with Unreal Engine 4
6. Be able to identify the right materials for game designs

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    Course Description

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Intro to UE4 - Volume 1

Preview Available


Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Downloading and Installing UE4

Chapter 3 - Creating a Project

Chapter 4 - UE4 Marketplace

Chapter 5 - UE4 Interface

Chapter 6 - Navigating The Viewport

Chapter 7 - Adding and Manipulating Assets

Chapter 8 - Editor Preferences

Chapter 9 - Project Settings

Chapter 10 - Content Browser

Chapter 11 - Creating a New Level

Chapter 12 - Importing and Exporting

Chapter 13 - Static Mesh Browser

Chapter 14 - Placement Mode

Chapter 15 - Using BSP 01

Chapter 16 - Using BSP 02

Chapter 17 - Editing BSPs

Intro to UE4 - Volume 2

Resource Files

Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Paint Mode

Chapter 3 - Create Landscape

Chapter 4 - Importing Landscapes

Chapter 5 - Sculpting Landscapes

Chapter 6 - Painting Landscapes

Chapter 7 - Foliage Mode

Chapter 8 - Lights

Chapter 9 - Post Processing Volumes

Chapter 10 - Fog

Chapter 11 - Creating a Material

Chapter 12 - Material Instances

Intro to UE4 - Volume 3


Chapter 7 - Cascade Particles

Chapter 8 - World Settings

Chapter 9 - Build Settings

Chapter 10 - Creating Cinematics

Chapter 11 - Playing Cinematic Through Level Blueprints

Chapter 12 - Packaging the Project

Resource Files

Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Persona

Chapter 3 - Animation Blueprint

Chapter 4 - Adding Sounds

Chapter 5 - Sound Cue

Chapter 6 - Reverb Effect

Dynamic Vehicle Setup in UE4


Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Setting Up a Physics Asset

Chapter 3 - Controls and Pawn Blueprint 01

Chapter 4 - Controls and Pawn Blueprint 02

Chapter 5 - Anim Blueprints and Wheel Tracing 01

Chapter 6 - Anim Blueprints and Wheel Tracing 02

Chapter 7 - Wheel Trace and Audio

Chapter 8 - Driving Mini Game Blueprints Breakdown

Chapter 9 - Mini Game Spawn Point and Menu Blueprint

Chapter 10 - Mini Game UI and Controls

Resource Files

Intro to Materials in UE4 - Volume 1


Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - UE4 Material Interface

Chapter 3 - Material Types

Chapter 4 - PBR Materials Overview

Chapter 5 - Material Blends

Chapter 6 - Material Domains

Chapter 7 - Shading Model Overview

Chapter 8 - Computer Screen Shader 01

Chapter 9 - Computer Screen Shader 02

Chapter 10 - Computer Screen Shader 03

Chapter 11 - Computer Screen Shader 04

Chapter 12 - Computer Screen Shader 05

Resource Files

Intro to Materials in UE4 - Volume 2


Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Skin Shader

Chapter 3 - Clear Coat Shader

Chapter 4 - Ocean Shader 01

Chapter 5 - Ocean Shader 02

Chapter 6 - Dynamic Materials 01

Chapter 7 - Dynamic Materials 02

Chapter 8 - Dynamic Materials 03

Resource Files
SGD $189.00
(Price excludes GST)
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