Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 2)

  • Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 2), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 2), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 2), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 2), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 2), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style (Part 2), Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

In the second part of Master the Hand-Painted Texturing Style, we will utilize a combination of Maya and Photoshop to take a concept for a stylized weapon and translate that into a fully realized low poly hand painted asset for use within a videogame environment. We'll also take a look at some of the process and techniques used to create the texture map, being sure to replicate the crafted look of the concept. Tools such as clipping masks, Variations and Dilation will be utilized to help keep our texture easy to maintain and looking neat for potential future revisions. Throughout the creation process we'll also touch upon how things relate to a production environment whilst also pointing out any areas which are likely to generate the need for some problem solving. At the end of this course you will be able to create and understand the workflow that I use to create stylized environments like this one.

Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design.

- Know about the different branches in animation
- Learn about what goes into making a successful animation
- Understand better about the designing process with this course
- Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course

Course Objectives

1. Be fluent in Maya and Photoshop for stylizing objects
2. Know how to conceptualize an object in a videogame environment
3. Learn the process and techniques to creature textured map
4. Know different tools for object revisions
5. Learn how to relate things into a production environment
6.  Know the workflow to create stylized environment

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Hand Painted Dagger in Maya

Preview Available


Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - The Concept and Preparation

Chapter 3 - Modelling the Blade

Chapter 4 - Modelling the Blade 02

Chapter 5 - Modelling the Rainguard

Chapter 6 - Modelling the Crossguard

Chapter 8 - Modelling the Pommel

Chapter 9 - Mesh Optimization

Chapter 10 - Unwrapping the Sword

Chapter 11 - Creating the Other Half

Chapter 12 - Photoshop Preparation

Chapter 13 - Painting Value

Chapter 14 - Photoshop Timelapse 01

Chapter 15 - Implementing Basic Colors

Chapter 16 - Photoshop Timelapse 02

Chapter 17 - Variation Tool

Chapter 18 - Adding Details

Chapter 19 - Finishing Touches

Resource Files

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Stylized Dungeon in Maya - Volume 1


Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Preparing Maya Scene

Chapter 3 - Blockout in Maya

Chapter 4 - Modelling the Pillar

Chapter 5 - Modelling the Door

Chapter 6 - Modelling the Door 02

Chapter 7 - Modelling the Walls

Chapter 8 - Modelling the Props

Resource Files

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Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - UVing the Pillar

Chapter 3 - UVing the Door

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Chapter 5 - Tiling Textures Preparation

Chapter 6 - Sculpting the Pillar

Chapter 7 - Sculpting the Pillar 02

Chapter 8 - Sculpting the Pillar 03

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Chapter 11 - Finishing the Pillar

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Stylized Dungeon in Maya - Volume 3

Resource Files

Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Baking the Pillar

Chapter 3 - Baking the Door

Chapter 4 - Baking the Tileable Texture

Chapter 5 - Tiling Texture Compositing

Chapter 6 - Tiling Texture Coloring

Chapter 7 - Tiling Texture Wood Example

Chapter 8 - Pillar Paint Preparation

Chapter 9 - Painting the Pillar

Chapter 10 - Painting the Pillar

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Chapter 1 - Intro

Chapter 2 - Painting the Door

Chapter 3 - Painting the Door 02

Chapter 4 - Additional Door Details

Chapter 5 - Finishing the Door

Chapter 6 - Rebuilding in Maya

Chapter 7 - Rebuilding in Maya 02

Chapter 8 - Rendering the Scene

Chapter 9 - Finishing Touches

Resource Files
SGD $189.00
(Price excludes GST)
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