Mastering Digital Design - Advanced Modeling and Texturing for Games, Architecture, and Film (Part 1)

  • Mastering Digital Design - Advanced Modeling and Texturing for Games, Architecture, and Film (Part 1), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Advanced Modeling and Texturing for Games, Architecture, and Film (Part 1), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Advanced Modeling and Texturing for Games, Architecture, and Film (Part 1), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Advanced Modeling and Texturing for Games, Architecture, and Film (Part 1), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Advanced Modeling and Texturing for Games, Architecture, and Film (Part 1), Singapore elarning online course
  • Mastering Digital Design - Advanced Modeling and Texturing for Games, Architecture, and Film (Part 1), Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

This course is intended to expand beyond the knowledge of a beginner and showcase techniques and tools that today’s top artists use when creating industry standard 3d assets, whether for games or film. From concept to completed high poly model, this course will show you how to approach the sub-d process in Maya 2011. From custom hotkeys to kitbashing – all the way through completion, it showcases the techniques and workflow for creating a highly detailed sci-fi console. With lots of great tips and practical hands on techniques, this course serves as a great workflow tutorial for high quality game assets.

Learn tips and tricks of creating dynamic animation and games design.

- Know about the different branches in animation
- Learn about what goes into making a successful animation
- Understand better about the designing process with this course
- Be able to create your own monsters and creatures at the end of this course

Course Objectives

1. Know the techniques for creating 3d assets
2. Understand how to use sub-d process in Maya 2011
3. Be able to perform High Poly Modelling
4. Know the baking process in 3ds Max
5. Learn how to texture a Bradley fighting vehicle
6. Know tips and tricks for baking Normal and Ambient Occlusion maps in 3ds Max
7. Know how to get how to get perfect bakes from a high res mesh down to a game-ready low res mesh

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    Course Description

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    Mastering Digital Design - Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox (Part 3)

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

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    Mastering Digital Design - Learn Digital 3d Sculpting with ZBrush and Mudbox (Part 1)

    SGD $189.00

    Course Description

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Intro to HP Modeling in Maya

Preview Available

Resource Files

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Blocking in the Base Plate

Chapter 3 - Creating the Stand

Chapter 4 - Detail Extrusions and Plates

Chapter 5 - Side Details and Vents

Chapter 6 - Creating the Console Screen

Chapter 7 - Building the Console Keyboard

Chapter 8 - Middle Portion of the Stand

Chapter 9 - Cables, Small Details and Wrapup

Hi Poly Modeling 3ds Max

Resource Files

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Setting up Hotkeys and Modifiers

Chapter 3 - Learning the Basics

Chapter 4 - Dissecting the Stoplight Prop

Chapter 5 - Adding Edge Loops to the Top

Chapter 6 - Aligning and Instancing Pieces

Chapter 7 - Adding Edge Loops to a Curved Object

Chapter 8 - Deleting Hidden Backfaces

Chapter 9 - Always Keep your Low Poly Mesh in Mind

Chapter 10 - Adding Extra Detail to the Light

Chapter 11 - Adding Additional Support Edges

Chapter 12 - Using the Push Modifier

Chapter 13 - Modeling a High Poly Belt

Chapter 14 - Tackling More Complex Shapes

Chapter 15 - Adjusting the Final Silhouette

Sci-Fi Modular Floor

Resource Files

Chapter 1 - Baking the SciFi Floor

Chapter 2 - The Color Map Part 1

Chapter 3 --The Color Map Part 2

Chapter 4 - Creating the mask

Chapter 5 - The Specular Map

Chapter 6 - Final Materials and Lighting

Bradley Vehicle Texturing

Resource Files

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Structure, Localization and Visual Noise

Chapter 3 - The Wrong Way to Texture!

Chapter 4 - Setting up Photoshop and Masks

Chapter 5 - Creating Camouflage in Mudbox

Chapter 6 - Constructing a Texture Sketch

Chapter 7 - Adding Photo Sourced Detail

Chapter 8 - Hand Painting Dirt and Wear

Chapter 9 - Additional Texture Detail

Chapter 10 - Adding Color Variation

Chapter 11 - Detail Pieces and Scratch Pass

Chapter 12 - Texturing the Bags and Cloth

Chapter 13 - Tiling Tread Texture

Chapter 14 - Creating the Specular Map

Chapter 15 - Disecting the Final Texture

Normal Maps Tips & Tricks

Resource Files

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Silhouette

Chapter 3 - Detail Scale

Chapter 4 - Tapering

Chapter 5 - Floating Geometry Waviness

Chapter 6 - Triangulation

Chapter 7 - Projection Errors

Chapter 8 - Triangle Stripping

Chapter 9 - Projection Modifier

Chapter 10 - Material ID Projection

Chapter 11 - Mirroring Overlapping Geo

Chapter 12 - Different Types of Normal Maps

Chapter 13 - Vertex Count and Smoothing Group

Chapter 14 - Normal Map Baking Walkthrough

Chapter 15 - Conclusion

SGD $189.00
(Price excludes GST)
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