Oracle Java SE7 Programmer Level 1 Certification

  • Oracle Java SE7 Programmer Level 1 Certification , Singapore elarning online course
  • Oracle Java SE7 Programmer Level 1 Certification , Singapore elarning online course
  • Oracle Java SE7 Programmer Level 1 Certification , Singapore elarning online course
  • Oracle Java SE7 Programmer Level 1 Certification , Singapore elarning online course
  • Oracle Java SE7 Programmer Level 1 Certification , Singapore elarning online course
  • Oracle Java SE7 Programmer Level 1 Certification , Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Have you ever wondered how all those cool applications and games around the web are made? The answer is: Java. Java is the most commonly used programming language in the world. Get started learning Java today, and in a few days with this Java Tutorial for Beginners you'll be a pro. To make your life a bit easier, you will learn Java from scratch using the NetBeans environment. Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D, just to name a few. It's also integral to the intranet applications and other e-business solutions that are the foundation of corporate computing.

Everything you need to know for Java Certification.

- Know the basics of Java programming language
- Learn the the topics in this course to pass Oracle's Java Programmer Level 1 Exam
- Know how to code using Java after the completion of this course
- Be able to apply the knowledge into your own projects after this course

Course Objectives

1. Solve programming problems using decision constructs, loop constructs, data types, classes, objects and inheritance
2. Learn all the necessary content to pass Oracle's Java Programmer Level 1 Exam
3. Follow the exact curriculum used by Oracle to prepare developers for the exam
4. Gain proficiency at Java from beginner to intermediate levels
5. Tackle real world problems both for practice and entry-level employment

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Java Program Fundamentals - Introduction to the Course



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Introduction to Java Programming

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Getting Started with NetBeans

Strings & Mathematical Operators

Methods (Functions)

Boolean Logic & IF ELSE Statements



For Loop


Object Oriented Programming (OOP)


Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Constructors (OOP)

Java Review


Review of Concepts So Far

More Beginner Java


Multi-dimensional Arrays

Array Lists

String Functions

Try Catch & Exceptions

User Input

File Reading/Writing


Java SE7 Level 1 Certification - Introduction to the Course


Introduction to the Course

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Download Practice Files in individual Sections

Java Basics


Hello World!- for the NetBeans IDE

Creating and Using Packages

Section Conclusion

Working with Java Data Types


Section Introduction


Initializing Fields

Primitive Data Types

The Numbers Classes


Declaring Member Variables

Creating Objects

Using Objects

Explain an Object's Lifecycle

The StringBuilder Class

Summary of Characters and Strings

Converting Between Numbers and Strings

Section Conclusion

Ideas for Practicing These Skills

Using Operators and Decision Constructs


Section Introduction

Assignment, Arithmetic and Unary Operators

Equality, Relational and Conditional Operators

Expressions, Statements and Blocks

Object as a Superclass

The if-then and if-then-else Statements

The switch Statement

Ideas for Practicing These Skills

Section Conclusion

Creating and Using Arrays


Section Introduction

One-dimensional Arrays

Multi-dimensional Arrays


Section Conclusion

Ideas for Practicing These Skills

Using Loop Constructs


Section Introduction

The while and do-while Statements

The for Statement and Enhanced for Loop

Branching Statements ('break' and 'continue')

Section Conclusion

Working with Methods and Encapsulation


Section Introduction

Returning Values from Methods

Apply the Static Keyword to Methods and Fields

Create an Overloaded Method


Access Modifiers

Encapsulation Principles

Passing Information to a Method or a Constructor

Section Conclusion

Ideas for Practicing These Skills

Working with Inheritance


Section Introduction

Implement Inheritance

Use super and this to Access Objects and Constructors

Use Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Section Conclusion

Object Oriented Programming Tip

Ideas for Practicing These Skills

Handling Exceptions


Section Introduction

Exceptions and Errors

Describe What Exceptions are Used for in Java

Section Conclusion

Ideas for Practicing These Skills

SGD $50.00
(Price excludes GST)
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