Google Cloud Platform Assoc. Cloud Engineer Bootcamp

Google Cloud Platform Assoc. Cloud Engineer Bootcamp, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

During the course I will provide insight into the GCP Cloud Engineer exam and walk thru main exercises around managing a GCP Cloud. We will be going thru demos, reviewing content and providing you the top 10 things to remember before taking the exam.

An Associate Cloud Engineer deploys applications, monitors operations, and manages enterprise solutions. This individual is able to use Google Cloud Console and the command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions that leverage Google-managed or self-managed services on Google Cloud.

Course Objectives

• GCP Cloud Engineer exam
• Managing a GCP Cloud
• Using Google Cloud Console and command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions that leverage on Google-managed or self-managed services on Google Cloud

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Google Cloud Platform Assoc. Cloud Engineer Bootcamp


00_GCP Cloud Engineer Trailer rev1

01_Welcome aboard GCP CLoud Engineer

02_Exam Objectives Review Cloud Engineer Part 1

03_Exam Objectives Review Cloud Engineer Part 2

04_Setting up Cloud Projects Module 1 Overview

05_GCP Cloud Engineer Project Overview

06_Demo GCP Projects

07_GCP Projects gcloud Commands

08_GCP Billing Demo

09_Demo GCP Change Regions

10_GCP Install SDK Kit

11_GCP Projects gcloud Commands

12_Gcloud Project Settings

13_Demo GCP Project Service accounts

14_GCP Cloud Engineer Module 2 Overview

15_GCP Cloud Engineer Exam Course Pricing Calculator Rev1

16_GCP Quota Demo

17_GCP Deploy Network Resources

18_GCP CLoud Engineer Load Balancing

19_GCP Compute Options Rev1

20_GCP Managing Compute Engine resources

21_GCP App Engine Overview

22_Recommendation Engine Demo REV2

23_GCP Cloud Function Overview

24_GCP Cloud Engineer Kube Overview

25_GCP Deploying and Impementing Module 3 Overview

26_Compute Engine Deploy Template Instance Groups Part1

27_Compute Engine Deploy Template Instance Groups Part2

28_GCP Deploy Kubenentes Engine Demo

29_GCP Demo Kubenetes Engine Clusters Rev1

30_GCP Data Warehous BigQuery Rev1

31_GCP Demo Cloud SQL Rev1

32_GCP Deploy App Engine and Cloud Functions Rev1

33_GCP Data Storage Cloud Storage Preso Rev1

34_GCP Demo Data Storage Cloud Storage Part 1 of 2 Rev1

35_GCP Demo Data Storage Cloud Storage Part 2 of 2 Rev1

36_GCP Data Storage Transfer Between Regions Demo Rev2

37_GCP Cloud Launcher Demo Rev1

38_GCP Deployment Manager Rev1

39_GCP Demo Create VPC Rev1

40_GCP Demo Firewall Rule Rev1

41_GCP Cloud Engineer Module 4 Overview Rev1

42_GCP Demo Compute Engine Recommendation Engine

43_GCP Demo Billing rev1

44_GCP Demo Stackdriver Demo

45_GCP Demo Stackdriver Install Monitoring Agent Rev1

46_GCP Demo Stackdriver Logging Rev1

47_GCP Demo Stackdriver Trace rev1

48_GCP Demo Stackdriver Metrics Explorer rev1

49_GCP Demo Stackdriver Uptime Checks rev1

50_GCP Demo Stackdriver Workspaces Rev1

51_GCP Cloud Engineer Module 5 Overview

52_GCP Cloud IAM Intro

53_GCP Demo IAM Add Role Rev1

54_GCP Demo Manage Service Account Rev1

55_GCP IAM Add Organization Rev1

56_GCP Cloud Engineer IAM Cloud Security Scanner Rev1

57_GCP IAM Cloud Identity Rev1

58_GCP IAM Identity Aware Proxy and KMS Rev1

59_Sign up for Exam GCP Cloud Engineer

60_GCP Cloud Engineer Top Ten to Know

61_GCP Free Tier

62_GCP Qwiklabs

63_GCP Codelabs

64_GCP Cloud Engineer Official Practice Exam

65_Additional Questions GCP Cloud Engineer

66_GCP CLoud Icons

67_Goodluck and Thank you Cloud Engineer

SGD $29.00
(Price excludes GST)
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