Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management

  • Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management, Singapore elarning online course
  • Retaining Your Employees: For Business and Project Management, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Employee retention is critically important with job fluidity becoming increasingly prevalent. This course will aid managers in performing the skills needed to retain employees in an organization.

Don't let your best talents and top employees slip away.

- Understanding your employees' satisfaction and their work situation to determine the factors to make them stay
- Identify skills on how to create a work-life balance for employees and how to use their best skills in their job
- Develop work autonomy in the team and create a enjoyable work situation to keep talents committed
- Learn to understand your employees and how to gain their loyalty

This course qualifies for PMI Professional Development Units (PDU).

Course Objectives

1. Talk with your employees about their overall satisfaction with the company and their work situation
2. Find out what factors will cause your employees to stay
3. Identify what is required to create a work situation that will cause each employee to stay
4. Identify who needs help getting a better balance between work and their personal life
5. Determine how an employee’s top talents are used in his or her job
6. Create the right level of work autonomy for your team
7. Identify what will create a work situation that will cause you to stay

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Overall Satisfaction at Work

Talk with your employees about their overall satisfaction with the company and their work situation

Keeping Your Employees

Find out what factors will cause your employees to stay

Decreasing Employee Turnover

Identify what is required to create a work situation that will cause each employee to stay

Who Needs Better Work-Life Balance?

Identify who needs help getting a better balance between work and their personal life

Maximizing Employee Talents

Determine how an employee’s top talents are used in his or her job

Creating Work Autonomy

Create the right level of work autonomy for your team

Your Own Requirements to Stay

Identify what will create a work situation that will cause you to stay
  • Duration 7 hr 0 mins
  • Skill level All Levels
  • Languages English
  • Accreditation PMI:7 PDU Hours
  • Tag(s) Communication Business

SGD $52.95
(Price excludes GST)
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