Fundamentals of CSS and CSS3

  • Fundamentals of CSS and CSS3, Singapore elarning online course
  • Fundamentals of CSS and CSS3, Singapore elarning online course
  • Fundamentals of CSS and CSS3, Singapore elarning online course
  • Fundamentals of CSS and CSS3, Singapore elarning online course
  • Fundamentals of CSS and CSS3, Singapore elarning online course
  • Fundamentals of CSS and CSS3, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

If you have ever wanted to become a web developer, then you know you need to know both CSS and CSS3. It's your choice how you learn it. You can read through a textbook or eBook, or you can have your own personal tutor showing you how to do everything every step of the way. That's what this course is all about. This course is taught via a step-by-step tutorial system. You will start with tutorials for beginners who are new to CSS and CSS3 programming and move through progressively more difficult skills, including everything you need to know to build a fully functional, modern and sleek website.

Learn how to develop dynamic sites all at your fingertips.

- Learn the fundamentals of both CSS and CSS3
- Know the difference between CSS and CSS3
- Be able to apply the language into your projects
- Understand how each language has its own purpose

Course Objectives

1. To understand what CSS and CSS3 are
2. To learn the basic techniques of CSS and CSS3
3. To greatly advance your knowledge of CSS and CSS3
4. To build your first website and many more websites in the future

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Introduction to the Course


What Is CSS?

Understanding CSS

How CSS and HTML Work Together

Download Source Code

CSS and CSS3 Basics


Selectors (Part 1/4)

Selectors (Part 3/4)

Selectors (Part 4/4)

Styling Links (Hyperlinks)

Widths and Heights


Centering a Container

Display Types

Hiding an Element

Margins and Padding


Element Stack Order (z-index)


Box Sizing




Forcing Uppercase, Lowercase and Capitalisation

Text Alignment

Text Indenting


Multiple Background Images

Background Size


Border Images

Font Basics

Selectors (Part 2/4)

Your First CSS Projects

Preview Available


Build a Website (Part 1/3)

Build a Website (Part 2/3)

Build a Website (Part 3/3)

Dropdown List Menu (Part 1/2)

Pure CSS Drop-Down Menu

Dropdown List Menu (Part 2/2)

Intermediate CSS and CSS3


Horizontal Menu (Part 1/2)

Horizontal Menu (Part 2/2)

Vertical Menu

Creating a Button

Display Property

Floating Elements

Clearfix (For Clearing Floats)

Styling Headers

Styling Unordered Lists

Advanced CSS and CSS3

Preview Available


Element Shadows (Box Shadow)

Text Shadows

Before and After Pseudo Elements

Image Overlay Effect (Part 1/2)

Image Overlay Effect (Part 2/2)



Dashed Link Underline

Rounded Borders

2D Transformations


2D Transformations (Part 1/4)

2D Transformations (Part 2/4)

2D Transformations (Part 3/4)

2D Transformations (Part 4/4)

Fun Advanced Topics


Styling Tables

Styling Form Elements

Slide Out Navigation Part 1

Slide Out Navigation Part 2


Quick & Easy CSS Triangles

Progress Bar

Creating a 3D Cube with CSS3

Create a CSS3 Avatar/Profile Picture Effect

CSS Speech Bubble Comment Effect

CSS Headline Background Effect

Pure CSS Video Play Button

CSS Icon Fonts

SGD $79.00
(Price excludes GST)
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