WordPress Bundle

  • WordPress Bundle, Singapore elarning online course
  • WordPress Bundle, Singapore elarning online course
  • WordPress Bundle, Singapore elarning online course
  • WordPress Bundle, Singapore elarning online course
  • WordPress Bundle, Singapore elarning online course
  • WordPress Bundle, Singapore elarning online course

Course Description

Often when we think of WordPress, we think of blogging—but WordPress can do so much more! In this short, easy to follow course, you’ll discover everything you need to know to get your WordPress site online, including how to effortlessly register a domain name and set up web hosting, install WordPress, and begin using it to publish your work on the web. You’ll quickly get comfortable in the WordPress environment, and see how straightforward it is to create and format content, including text, images, and video. Then, you’ll find out how to control and extend your WordPress website with themes, widgets, and plug-ins. Once you learn WordPress, the sky’s the limit! Ready to jump into it? Then let’s get started!

Deliver your blogging contents with WordPress.

- Learn how WordPress can get you started with your first website
- Learn different techniques for building themes from scratch
- Know how you can make your contents available for people online
- Realize your mock-up designs into actual themes in WordPress

Course Objectives

1. Know what WordPress is about 
2. Be able to install and configure WordPress
3. Know how to manage your site 
4. Know how to add content on your site 
5. Know how to use categories and tags 
6. Be able to create and manage Blogroll
7. Know how to use media in posts 

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(WordPress Bundle)Welcome to WordPress!

Preview Available

Download Project Files

Welcome! Why Use WordPress?

Important WordPress Concepts

Additional Tools You'll Need

Setting Up Domain Names, Web Hosting, & Installing WordPress!

Preview Available


Domain Name & Web Hosting Options

Registering Your Website's Domain Name

Setting Up Web Hosting with Web Hosting Hub

Accessing Your Web Hosting Hub Account Management Panel

Accessing Your Hosting Accounts cPanel

Setting Your Domain's DNS Info

Accessing Your Site & CPanel Once Your Domain Name Resolves

Installing WordPress on Your Host

Logging Into Your Admin Console

Touring the WordPress Dashboard

Bonus Lesson: Connecting To Your Website Via FTP

Making Your Site All Your Own!


Understanding WordPress Themes

Finding Additional WordPress Themes

Downloading and Installing A New Theme

Activating Your New Theme

Adding Content to Your WordPress Site!


Embedding A YouTube Video

Introducing WordPress Pages

Publishing Your First Post

Formatting Text In Your Posts

Creating Bulleted & Numbered Lists

Creating Additional Posts

Post Publishing Options

Inserting A “More” Link into Posts

Bonus Lesson: Organizing Your Posts Into Categories

Inserting Graphics Into Posts

Formatting Post Graphics

Additional Graphic Options

Getting Started Setting Hyperlinks

Setting Internal and Email Links

Controlling & Expanding Your Site!


BonPress Theme Options (And A Closer Look At The Media Library)

Your Site's General Settings

A Look At Your Site's Reading Settings

A Closer Look At Sidebar Widgets

Introducing WordPress Plugins

Must-Have Plug-ins for Every WordPress Site

Bonus Lessons!


Installing Plug-ins (and Automatically Backing Up Your Site)

Adding Social Media to Your Site

Adding An RSS Feed to Your Site

Setting Up An Email Address For Your Site

Wrapping Up


Where to Go From Here

(Wordpress Essentials) Welcome to WordPress Mastery!


Ready for Some WordPress?

Download Project Files

Understanding What WordPress Is


About Blogging And WordPress

The Main Areas Of A WordPress Blog

A Blog’s Front End And Back End

Let's Getcha Up And Running with WordPress


Setting Up A Free Blog On WordPress.com

Setting Up A Self-Hosted WordPress Blog

Installing Locally On A Mac Part One: Installing MAMP

Installing Locally On A Mac Part Two: Installing WordPress

Installing Locally On A PC Part One: Installing XAMPP

Installing Locally On A PC Part Two: Installing WordPress

TASK #1: Applications You May Use With WordPress

The Sights: A Tour Of The WordPress Interface


Viewing And Customizing The Dashboard

Touring The Rest Of The Admin Interface

The WordPress Codex And Online Forums

Making Your Blog Your Own


Gettin' To Settin' Up Your Profile

Setting The Blog's General Options

Now On To Themes: Changing Your Blog's Design

Discovering Even More Themes

Viewing Your Blog's Theme Files

Using The WordPress Theme Directory

Manually Installing Themes

Auto Installing Themes From The Theme Directory

TASK #2: Ten Awesome WordPress Themes To Explore

Let's Get Creating Some Posts


Touring The Edit Post Screen And Writing Posts With The Visual Editor

A Quick Mention: Setting Your Post's Discussion Options

Editing Your Posts And A Look At The Quick Edit Feature

Formatting And Previewing Your Posts

Inserting And Editing Links To Sites And Email Addresses

Super-Sweet: It's WordPress's Kitchen Sink Toolbar

Setting Publishing Options For Your Posts

Understanding Excerpts, Trackbacks, And Pingbacks

Additional Posting Techniques


Get Editing Your Published Posts

Making Your Blog Easier To Read: Adding "More" Links

Creating And Editing Posts With The HTML Editor

Ready For This? Creating HTML Posts With Dreamweaver

Adjusting Your Blog's Writing Settings

Password Protecting A Post

Adding Media To Posts, Part One


First Up, Setting Your Blog's Media Options

Droppin' Graphics Into Posts

Adding An Image From A URL

Loading Images Into The Media Library

Inserting Images Into Posts From The Library

Editing Your Inserted Images

Editing Images In The HTML Editor

Dig This: Using WordPress's Image Editor

Understanding Graphics In Web Design

TECHNIQUE #1: Preparing Images In Photoshop For Use On Your Blog

TECHNIQUE #2: WordPress Workflow: From Illustrator To Photoshop To Your Blog

And Now On To Video

Adding Media To Posts, Part Two


Adding In Some Video To Your A Posts

Using Auto-Embed To Add In Video

Droppin' In Some Audio

Linking To PDFs And Other Types Of Media

Managing Your Inserted Media

Working With Categories And Tags


Getting Started With Categories

Creating New Blog Categories

Gettin' Organized; Applying Categories To Posts

Setting Your Blog's Default Category (And A Fast Way For Creating Categories)

Get Applying Tags To Posts

Working With WordPress Pages


Understanding Pages Versus Posts

Editing And Scratch Building WordPress Pages

TECHNIQUE #3: Creating An HTML Contact Page With Dreamweaver

Setting Your Blog's Front Page And Going Further With Dreamweaver Design

Controlling Page Order And Hierarchy

Makin' Use Of Your Theme's Page Templates

Creating And Managing A Blogroll


What The Heck Is A Blogroll? Let's Get Started

Adding Links To Your Blogroll

Adding And Removing Blogroll Links

Creating Custom Link Categories

Viewing Comments And Adding Users


Viewing A Blog's Comments

A Real-World Look At The Disqus Commenting System

Moderating Comments On Your Blog

Setting Up Discussion Options

Allowing Others To Contribute: Adding Additional Users

Understanding WordPress's Different User Privileges

Customizing Permalinks And RSS Feeds


Setting Your Blog's Permalinks

So Let's Get Creating Custom Permalinks

Viewing Your Blog's .Htaccess File

Blog Syndication: Understanding RSS Feeds

Determining Your Blog's RSS URL

Figuring Out RSS Feeds For Your Blog's Categories

Extending Your Blog With Widgets


A First Look At Widgets

Diggin' Into Sidebar Customization

Getting More Comfortable With Widgets (And Setting Up An RSS Widget)

A First Look At The Arbitrary Text Widget

Using Dreamweaver To Creating A Custom Widget

TECHNIQUE #4: Adding A Twitter Widget To Your Blog

Into The World Of Plugins


Now On To Plugins: A Big Toe In The Massive Pool Of WordPress Plugins

Exploring The WordPress Plugin Directory

Installing And Configuring Plugins

Manually Installing Plugins On Your Blog

TASK #3: Ten Killer WordPress Plugins To Explore

Adding In Some Custom Widgets

Uploading Your Completed Site


Step One: Exporting the Local Database

Step Two: Changing Local URLs to Remote URLs

Step Three: Creating the Live MySQL Database

Step Four: Adding A User to the Live Database

Step Five: Importing the Local Database into the Live Database

Step Six: Setting Live Database Info

Uploading Site Files

Checking out the Site

Wrapping Up


Where to Go from Here

SGD $99.00
(Price excludes GST)
Convince your boss email
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